Partner Visa

Future Consultants PartnerThe partner visa lets the partner, spouse or de facto partner of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or New Zealand citizen to live and work in Australia. If you are in a genuine relationship with any of the above persons, you are eligible to apply for partner visa.

Eligibility requirements

  • You both are married
  • Are engaged
  • Are in a de facto relationship
  • Registered with a relevant territory or state authority

Qualification for a Partner Visa

To obtain a partner visa, firstly you should know the subclass which you are eligible to apply in. There are three subclasses i.e. 820, 309 and 300 depending on your circumstances. The major factors that decide the suitable visa are whether the person applying is inside or outside Australia at the time of application.

The subclass 820 onshore Partner Visa

This subclass visa is for people married or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident or Newzealand citizen. While applying, the applicant must be present in Australia requiring that you are married, or registered or in a de facto relationship with your partner for 12 months.

Next, 2 years after the application for subclass 820, the subclass 801 permanent visa is processed if the relationship is continuing.

The subclass 309 offshore Partner Visa

The applicant must be outside of Australia when offshore partner visa is lodged. When this temporary visa is granted, you will get work and study rights in Australia. The eligibility requirements are same as of the onshore partner visa.

Initially, temporary visa i.e. 309 is given leading to a permanent visa subclass 100 two years from the date of initial application.

The subclass 300 prospective Marriage Visa

For those who are engaged to get married to a New Zealand citizen or an Australian citizen or permanent resident, this visa is applicable. But you have to be outside of Australia to get this visa and once it is granted, 9 months time period is given to get married to the Australian partner.

You are eligible to apply for the subclass 820 onshore partner visa before the end of 9 months period. However, you will get study and work rights in Australia.

Application of the Visa

The application for partner visa is made by both the sponsor and the applicant. To obtain a visa, the relationship must be genuine, continuing, and valid. As a proof that you have to show to the Department of Immigration for their complete satisfaction, the evidences to produce are:

  • Financial aspects of the relationship
  • The nature of the household
  • Social aspects of the relationship
  • The nature of commitment

The genuine your proofs and evidences are, the bright the chances of getting the partner visa are.

Future Migration and Education Consultants
